Tuesday 29 October 2019


Mysore Pak is one of the most tempting sweets that Karnataka tradition had offered to us. It has the rich aroma of ghee and soothing taste. The amazing fusion of sugar, loads of fresh cow ghee/Desi ghee and besan flour gives rich aromatic and delicious dessert. There are many delicious twists in Tamilnadu such as Ghee Mysore Pak, Almond Mysore Paks, Dates Mysore paks,  Kaju or Cashew Mysore Pak,  Milk Mysore Pak, Carrot Mysore Pak etc. Out of these heavenly Mysore Pak varieties, we are presenting here how to make homemade Ghee Mysore Pak in a quick and easy way to satiate your sweet cravings.


Only 3 ingredients..

Fresh Cow ghee  500 ml
Besan flour 250 gms
Sugar 500 gms. 


Melt the ghee in low flame.
Roast the Besan flour in 2 tbsp ghee on low heat.
Transfer the roasted besan flour to the dry mixing bowl.
Add 250 ml ghee and blend well.
Set aside.
Heat the sugar with one cup of water on medium heat 
Bring to boil until the one string consistency achieved.
Add 2 tbsp ghee to the sugar syrup and mix to combine.
Reduce the heat to a low level.
Now add the ghee-besan mixture to the syrup
Give consistent stirs to combine on low heat.
Add ghee little by little in between and keep on stirring.
Watch the bubbling on low heat and keep on stirring.
Meanwhile, apply a little ghee on the tray.
Once the mixture cooked nonsticky and smooth, Add the remaining ghee and stir to combine.
Transfer the mixture to the tray.
Level the surface.
Wait for 15 minutes.
Cut into rectangular pieces or desired shapes you like.
Store it in an airtight container for 5 days 
Happy and comfort cooking.
Shelf life 5 days
Cooking time 30 minutes
Yield 30 Mysore Paks.

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